ZIP Search


Follow the installation steps to get started.

Required Database Upload

ZIP search relies on a database to calculate the distance around a particular ZIP or postal code when doing radius searches (Like “Find all listings within 10mi of 90210”).  After installing the plugin, you will need to download and install the correct databases for all of the countries you need to support. Database installation requires these instructions.

IMPORTANT:  You must install at least ONE database to use the module.

Administration Options

ZIP search supports a number of options under Directory → Settings → Listings → Searching tab.  They are listed here.  First, we'll discuss the top of the admin screen:

Use this field for postal code/ZIP code information:  This drop-down contains a list of all fields in your directory.  Pick the ONE that maps to your notion of a Postal or ZIP code.  This is super important–without this field properly mapped, the ZIP search will not work correctly at all.

IMPORTANT:  The field you map here cannot contain any other address information.  For example, do not use a full address field for this search such as “123 Oak Street, Beverly Hills, CA  90210”.  The ZIP search module cannot detect what part of that is the ZIP/postal code.  The field should contain ONLY the ZIP/Postal code, which in this example is “90210”

Units:  This drop-down allows you to pick between “Miles” and “Kilometers” depending on what unit your country uses for calculation of distance.  ZIP search will use this to change the display of units appropriately.

Use these custom distance options for searches with postal codes:  Turning on this option allows you to specify a dropdown with precise distances that you can use for search, instead of allowing users to type in any info they want.

Radius Options:  This field uses a comma-separated list of numbers (ONLY) to determine the search options you show the user for radius search.  Only valid when “Use these custom distance options for searches with postal codes” is checked.

Sort listings from closest to farthest in results:  Turning this option on means that for ZIP radius searches, your listings will be shown from the closest to the farthest in the results.  This only affects distance searches.

Default radius to use for Quick Search:  The number of miles or kilometers to use in Quick Search by default if they don't pick anything.  Only valid if you have ZIP search active in the Quick Search bar.

Add ZIP search to Quick Search Box?:  Turning this on will add the ZIP search field to the Quick Search bar.

Below the ZIP admin options, you will find the list of databases available:

You must manually install them following these instructions.

When you install a database, the option will become checked.  In the example above, the US database is installed.  The Cache Status at the bottom of the screen indicates the state of the cache used by ZIP search to improve performance.  Sometimes after upgrading the database you may need to rebuild it.  If you see a notice to do so, please follow it.

Note for users of both the Regions Module and the ZIP Search Module:

You can choose to enable the Regions Module on the Quick Search menu, which adds the Located at <City, State> search field OR you can choose to enable the ZIP Search Module on the Quick Search menu, which adds a ZIP code field to the Quick Search.

Here is what the ZIP Search Module looks like when it is enabled on the Quick Search Menu:

Here is what the Regions Module looks like when it is enabled on the Quick Search Menu:

If you have enabled both modules in the Quick Search bar,  then the Regions Module will take precedence. Only one of those options can be added to the Quick Search Bar, so you must make a choice between the two modules here.

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